Effect of Cadmium, Lead and Their Combined Stress on the Dietary Fiber of Zizania latifolia 重金属镉、铅单一及复合胁迫对茭白膳食纤维含量的影响
Effects of Cd and Pb Combined Stress on the Antioxidant Enzyme of Zizania latifolia 镉铅复合胁迫对茭白抗氧化酶活性的影响
Responses of Soil Enzyme Activities in Different Soil Layers to Single and Combined Stress of Hg and Cd 不同土层土壤酶活性对重金属汞和镉胁迫的响应
The models indicated that non-linear relationships were shown between above mentioned combined stress and the thermoregulation. 这些模型提示,上述复合应激与体温调节之间呈非线性关系。
Responses of rape seedling growth to single and combined stress of elevated ultraviolet-B radiation ( UV-B, 280~ 320 nm) and acid rain were studied. 采用水培实验方法研究了紫外辐射(UV-B,280~320nm)与酸雨(AR)单一和复合胁迫对油菜幼苗生长的影响。
The influence of radial inertial effect on the elasto-plastic combined stress wave propagation in circular thin-walled tubes 径向惯性对薄壁圆管中弹塑性复合应力波传播的影响
The TEM observation combined stress exponent showed the deformation mechanism is dislocation creep at 200 ℃ and 400 ℃, in which a type dislocation slide occurred; TEM微观组织观察结果结合表观应力指数分析表明:200℃和400℃应力松弛变形机制为位错蠕变,a型位错滑移;
Changes and mathematical models of human thermoregulation under combined stress of high temperature, vibration and noise 高温、振动、噪声复合应激时人体体温调节改变及数学模型
Finally, the governing equations of combined stress waves in elastic-plastic beam are also discussed. 此外,还对弹塑性梁中复合应力波的控制方程进行了必要的讨论。
The Fv/ Fm of Ginkgo obviously decreased by Cd single and combined stress, the phenomenon of photoinhibition of Ginkgo leaf was induced by heavy metal stress. 在单一Cd和Cd、Pb的复合胁迫下,银杏的最大光化学效率Fv/Fm均明显下降,重金属胁迫使银杏叶片产生了光抑制现象。
In the material with relatively low cross-linking density, extensive fracture process stripe is formed which is induced by the combined stress field near the rubber particles. 在交联密度较低的材料中,在橡胶颗粒附近叠加的应力场诱发下发生纵深度较大的断裂过程。
A new criterion ( combined stress criterion) is presented for determining the mixed-mode fracture of concrete on the basis of experimental study. 本文基于混凝土Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型断裂的试验研究,考虑到裂纹尖端混凝土双向受力时的破坏特征,提出了一个新的判断混凝土Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型开裂的准则-复合应力准则。
Performance prediction method of Web application based on combined stress testing 基于联合压力测试的Web应用程序性能预测方法
Effects of combined stress on rabbit serum and gastroduodenal mucosa motilin and its mechanism 复合应激时兔血浆与胃十二指肠黏膜中胃动素含量变化及其机制
Owing to its separate consideration of the internal forces of the two parts, the method cannot reflect the interaction between the anti-slide piles and anchor caverns and the combined stress state of the associated structure. 该法只能将抗滑桩和锚固洞分开考虑,对于抗滑桩和锚固洞的联合结构,该法不能反映它们的相互作用和联合受力状况。
Propagation of combined stress waves in the beam 梁中复合应力波的传播
This paper performs the experimental measurement of tensile strength and shearing strength under, combined stress state. 本文对纤维束作了拉剪联合作用的强度测量,以得到其强度的概率分布的参数。
A field pot experiment was conducted to study the influence of potassium fertilizer ( K_2SO_4) on the phytoavailability of Cd in soils with single stress of Cd and combined stress of Cd and Pb. 采用室外盆栽模拟试验,研究了在镉单一污染及镉、铅复合污染的土壤中,钾肥(K2SO4)的施用及其施用水平对镉的植物有效性的影响。
An experimental study on the deformation characteristics of saturated loose sand under coupled static and dynamic combined stress conditions 静力与动力组合应力条件下饱和松砂变形特性的试验研究
Effects of Combined Stress of High+ Gz and Noise on Learning and Memory in Rats 高+Gz和噪声复合应激对大鼠学习记忆的影响
Through calculation and analysis of the test results, the concordance of the failure mechanism on the different combined stress levels were verified and the reliability mathematical model for friction welded joints was set up. 通过对试验结果的统计和分析,证明了各组合应力水平失效机理的一致性,并且得到了摩擦焊接头可靠度的计算模型。
Finite element analysis of corresponding relationship between combined stress of hot die forging and its material elastic module 热锻模综合应力与弹性模量关系的有限元分析
Cadmium absorption characteristics of Zea mays under combined stress of lead and cadmium 铅和镉复合胁迫下玉米对镉吸收特性
The Calculating and analysing result gives the distribution pattern of combined stress field in cold sturt-up. 通过计算分析,得到了在冷态启动过程中,综合应力场的分布规律,为电厂推广使用提供依据。
Combined stress of Cr and Al, on the whole caused further reduction in growth and photosynthetic characters of the two barley genotypes as compared to two stresses alone. 总体上,铝和铬组合处理对大麦生长和光合能力的降低作用要大于这两个因子的单独处理,且耐铝品种的减少程度相对较轻。
However, effects of+ Gz and noise combined stress on pilots have not been reported yet. 然而,有关正加速度和噪声复合应激因素对脑的影响与防护措施尚未见研究报道。
It is two-dimension or three-dimensional combined stress states in some parts. And internal force of RCC is relatively complex under the earthquake also. 在碾压混凝土坝体内,不同区域所处的应力状态也不尽相同,局部会出现二维或三维复合应力;而在地震作用下碾压混凝土的内力也比较复杂。
The effect of Combined stress on Reineckea carne was stronger than a single heavy metal stress. 复合胁迫对吉祥草幼苗的影响大于单一重金属胁迫。
In the condition of Cd2+-LAS combined stress, chlorophyll content of seedlings leaves was remarkable influenced. Cd2+和LAS复合污染下,对枫香幼苗叶绿素含量产生极显著影响。